
GSL® Focus-On-Writing, Level 1

Why Focus on Writing?

Writing in English is an essential part of communication effectiveness in direct or virtual workplace settings. Today's workplaces include people from multiple countries and cultures who use English and other languages to communicate and contribute their talents and expertise to organizations, customers and other stakeholders. Whether email, policy directives or formal reports, written communication can foster improved relationships and strengthen collaborative productivity. In the next decade, over two billion people (one quarter of the world's population) will speak English as a non-native language. In today's fast-paced economy, it is imperative to communicate essential ideas in writing clearly and accurately, often to native and non-native English speaking readers at the same time. Unrefined or inaccurate writing can lead to undesirable results, miscommunication, and unwelcome delays. In contrast, appropriate grammar and compelling language usage enable business professionals to fully express their ideas and participate more productively in collaborative projects. Use the Global Second Language® approach to communicate information and ideas more clearly and accurately, enhancing workplace productivity.

Course Description
Course Learning Objectives
Course Length and Delivery

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